We produce beautiful pottery and textile products during a year. It would be pity not to show them to the world so that’s why we take every opportunity to propagate our association. You can meet us on the following events:
-Easter Fairs: Presenting the works of our clients made within Easter subject.
-Komárno Days: Presentation in the company of the local craftsmen.
-Radnička Fairs: Presenting the works of our clients together with the works of other similar organisations.
-Autumn Day of Health: Organised by the Regional Cultural Centre in Komárno- fair and presenting the craftwork of our clients together with workshops. The main aim of these workshops is to hand over the skills to the children.
-Christmas Fair: Organised every year by MPSVaR in SR and the Slovenská Sporiteľňa a.s., foreign companies like AT&T Global Network Services Slovakia, s.r.o, and Deutsche Telekom Shared services, s.r.o.
These events help us to show to public, that our mentally or multiply disabled clients can create beautiful things as well and even learn and practice new things and skills.